
Current Contents

Vol. 3 (2024)




Published: 2024-02-23

Original Article

Review Article

Case Report


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About Journal

Placenta and Reproductive Medicine (PRM) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal aiming to publish high-quality articles in both basic and clinical research related to placenta and reproduction.

PRM is a multidisciplinary journal covering a wide range of research including molecular biology, cell biology, pharmacology, systems biology, bioinformatics, clinical medicine biomedical engineering research, and translational research of placenta that are relevant to clinical practice. In addition, there will be a section of "placental diseases" that includes clinical issues resulting from placental dysfunction, such as intrauterine growth restriction, preeclampsia, preterm birth, etc. The specific topics of the journal will include but are not limited to Placenta-Related Pregnancy Complications, Placental and Reproductive Endocrinology, Placental and Reproductive Immunology, Placenta and Child Health, Placental Pathology, Assisted Reproductive Technology, Reproductive Disease, Placental Development, Placental Omics, Biomedical Engineering, Translational Research, Male Reproduction, Fetal Membrane, Animal Model, Biomarker, etc.

The journal welcomes submissions of clinical and basic research articles, reviews, case reports, case studies, case series, commentary, letters to the editor, mini-reviews, opinions, short communication, perspectives, editorials, etc.

ISSN: 2790-0428 (Online)


Distribution : Open Access

Frequency: The journal is published in an Open Volume Mode.

Published by: Scholar Media Publishing


Chong Qiao
Editor-in-Chief, Professor
Shengjing Hospital China Medical University Shenyang, China
Nanbert Zhong
Editor-in-Chief, Professor
New York State Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities New York, USA