About the Journal

Gastrointestinal tract is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal. The purpose of Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) is to increase doctors and scientists' understanding of gastrointestinal tract diseases and cultivate their interest and expertise in the fields of diagnosis and treatment, nursing, research, education, and public policy. GIT will bring together basic research and clinical research, reviews, and case reports on gastrointestinal tract diseases. This field is developing rapidly, and GT can help provide a platform for academic exchanges. 


Current Contents

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-02-22

Original Articles

Letter to Editor

Case Report

Short Communication

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About Journal

Gastrointestinal tract related research is a dynamic and evolving field which combines the technical aspects of medicine with a strong focus on the patient. Recent scientific advances have improved the understanding of disease pathogenesis and have made possible more effective therapies than previously. An enormous number of individuals are afflicted with gastrointestinal tract disorders. The generalization of gastrointestinal tract not only covers gastrointestinal diseases but also throughout the whole gastrointestinal continuum. Furthermore, there are still many unknown areas to be studied even with the continuous deepening of gastrointestinal research, an medical journal focusing on gastrointestinal tract is urgently needed, which can lead the world in the latest academic progress.

ISSN: 2958-8820 (online)

Distribution : Open Access

Frequency: Continous publishing in Open Volume Mode.

Published by Scholar Media Publishing