Author Guidelines

 Preparation of Manuscripts


The uniform requirements and specific requirement are summarized below. Before submitting a manuscript, contributors are requested to check for the latest instructions available.

The journal accepts manuscripts written in American English.

 Copies of any permission(s)


It is the responsibility of authors/ contributors to obtain permissions for reproducing any copyrighted material. A copy of the permission obtained must accompany the manuscript. Copies of any and all published articles or other manuscripts in preparation or submitted elsewhere that are related to the manuscript must also accompany the manuscript. The material should be sent to any of the two addresses given above.

 Types of Manuscripts


Research Articles

Context of research advances current engineering education body of knowledge.

  • 8000 – 10000 words
  • ≤8 tables and/or figures
  • Structured abstract (No more than 300 words)
  • At least 25 references
  • Follow the recommended outcomes reporting guidelines

Review Articles

Reviews should be either a definitive overview of a major topic connected with engineering education or an update of knowledge in a somewhat narrower field of current interest.

  • 8000 - 10000 words
  • ≤8 tables and/or figures
  • Structured abstract (No more than 300 words)
  • At least 25 references
  • Follow the recommended outcomes reporting guidelines

Strategy & Policy

Including but not limited to critical analysis, summary, and evaluation of previous research.

  • No more than 4000 words (For some articles targeted on policy analysis and engineering education research, 4000 words may not be sufficient to provide all necessary information. Therefore, the abstract length can be increased to 8000 words for these special topics. This should be mentioned in the Cover Letter.)
  • ≤8 tables and/or figures
  • Structured abstract (No more than 300 words)
  • At least 25 references
  • Follow the recommended outcomes reporting guidelines


Editorial, Opinions & Perspectives are solicited by the editorial board.


Number references in the order they appear in the text. In text, tables, and legends, identify references with superscript arabic numerals. List all authors and/or editors up to 6; if more than 6, list the first 3 followed by "et al." Journal references should include the issue number in parentheses after the volume number. The commonly cited types of references are shown here, for other types of references such as newspaper items please refer to ICMJE Guidelines ( or

  1. UNESCO.Engineering for Sustainable Development: Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals. UNESCO Digital Library. Accessed June 3, 2024.
  2. Qin Z, Zhou HQ, Liu RH.Global Science and Technology Innovation Trend in the Post-epidemic Era and Suggestions. Global Sci Technol Econ.2021;36(8):15–19.
  3. Liu Y, Huang ZZ, Zhang Y, Li ML. [Survey report on the participation of Chinese MOOCs learners]. Tsinghua J Edu.2013;34(4):27–34.
  4. Yin RY, Li BC, Wang YL, Luan EJ. [Philosophy of Engineering]. 4th ed. The Higher Education Press; 2022.


  • Tables must be submitted in an editable format. Do not submit tables in the format of EXCEL file or figures.
  • Tables should be self-explanatory and should not duplicate textual material.
  • Number tables, in Arabic numerals, consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text and supply a brief title for each.
  • Place explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading.
  • Explain in footnotes all non-standard abbreviations that are used in each table.
  • Obtain permission for all fully borrowed, adapted, and modified tables and provide a credit line in the footnote.
  • Tables along with their number should be cited at the relevant place in the text.
  • Statistical estimates should indicate parameter estimates, statistical significance, sample size, and other relevant information.
  • Tables can be submitted in two ways: (1) upload tables as separate files after the figures;(2) include tables in the main document after the reference section.


  • Figures should each be submitted as a separate image file.
  • Upload the images in TIFF, JPEG, PNG, EPS, and PDF format. The file size should be within 5 Mb in size while uploading.
  • Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they have been first cited in the text (eg, Figure 1, Figure 2A, Figure 2B, etc).
  • Labels, numbers, and symbols should be clear and of uniform size. The lettering for figures should be large enough to be legible after reduction.
  • Titles and detailed explanations belong in the legends for illustrations not on the illustrations themselves.
  • If a figure has been published elsewhere, acknowledge the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce the material. A credit line should appear in the legend for such figures.