Engineering Education Review launched the first issue and debuted on World Engineers Convention 2023


editorial office: Shen Ye, Xu Lihua

The 7th World Engineers Convention (WEC 2023) is organized by the World Federation of Engineering Organizations(WFEO)and the Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies (CSVTS) in Prague between 9–15 October 2023. The theme of the convention is “Engineering for life: Breakthrough Technologies and Capacity Development Focused on UN SDGs”. Engineers, academics, global thought leaders, technical specialists, professional and engineering association members, educators, students, industry influencers, and professionals from other fields around the world shared their latest knowledge, experience, research, suggestions at this magnificent engineering event.

Announcement at WEC 2023

Arranged by Dr. Marlene Kanga, president of the WFEO (2017-2019), chairman of the WEC 2019, and led by Prof. Gong Ke, president of the WFEO (2019-2021), chairman of the China National Committee of WFEO, our Journal-Engineering Education Review (EER) announced the launch of the first issue at WEC 2023!

Dr. Shen Ye announced the first issue on 12th Oct.

As an academic journal dedicated to publishing high-quality articles systematically reviewing research progress and achievements, defining education development process, inspiring academic innovation, and building a high-level international platform of academic communications for experts and scholars dedicated to the disciplinary field of engineering education worldwide, EER has recognized as Academic supported by WFEO” and advocated at “WFEO Journal” column on the WEC website.

EER is featured on the conference website as the first of WFEO Journals

Dr. Marlene Kanga, invited by Prof. Wang Sunyu (the editor-in-chief of EER) as the co-editor-in-chief, promoted EER to the congress and WFEO meetings. Prof. Gong Ke, as the Founder editor, also introduced EER to experts worldwide.

Marlene Kanga introduced EER to the WFEO President José Manuel Pereira Vieira

Marlene Kanga introduced EER to the Institution of Engineers Kenya Lawrence O. Gumbe

Dr. Shen Ye, the editorial director of EER invited by the WEC 2023 and Committee on Education in Engineering (CEIE) of WFEO, delivered the speech on “The need for the Journal for Engineering Education Review and launch of the first issue”. Dr. Shen Ye introduced the founding purpose, vision, editorial board team, construction experience and announced the inaugural issue. The crowd applauded loudly and the convention celebrated the birth of EER!

Editorial office Dr. Li Ying and Dr. Ren Yangang also attended WEC 2023 and had a meeting with Dr. Marlene Kanga and Prof. Gong Ke.

Marlene Kanga and the editorial office