About the Journal

Well-being is a state of health, harmony and happiness in life. The journal Well-Being Sciences Review (hereafter WSR) is a multidisciplinary, open-access academic journal focusing on advances in cutting-edge theory and practice in the field of well-being sciences.

With the aging of the global population and the increase of chronic diseases, there is a growing concern and demand for health and well-being. Against this background, the establishment of the WSR journal is urgent and necessary. First of all, Tsinghua University promoted the establishment of the "World University Alliance for Well-being Education and Sciences", which connects the world's leading scholars in the science of well-being. As a journal sponsored by the alliance, WSR aims to promote exchanges and collaborations in the field of well-being science and provide an academic platform to promote the sharing of knowledge and the development of the discipline. By publishing academic results in the form of original empirical research papers, review articles, case studies and commentaries, WSR helps to promote academic exchanges among scholars around the globe and promote cross-border cooperation in the field of wellbeing science. Secondly, WSR also serves as a bridge between the theory and practice of wellbeing science. The content covered by the journal includes, but is not limited to, the fields of health promotion, disease prevention, medical services, health policy, mental health, nutrition, sports, tourism, and recreation. Through in-depth research and discussion of relevant topics, WSR journals provide academics and practitioners with important information and guidance to better understand and address today's complex health challenges. In addition, WSR journals help drive innovation and progress in the field of well-being science. By reviewing and publishing high-quality scholarship, WSR journals encourage and facilitate scholars to conduct cutting-edge research and exploration, and provide new ideas and approaches for the development of the health sciences field.

Aims and Scope
Striving for well-being, an ideal state of health, harmony and well-being, is an essential life purpose of people around the world. Well-being Sciences Review is a multidisciplinary open-access journal which publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research that contributes to our understanding of the psychological and biological mechanisms of Human well-being.

Target Audience
Scholars, Teachers, Students, Practioners.
covered disciplines or sub-disciplines(> 10 Hot topics should be listed)

  • Psychology
  • Positive Psychology
  • Social Sciences (sociology, political science, economics, etc)
  • Neuroscience
  • Health Sciences
  • Positive Education
  • Biomedical Sciences and Wellbeing
  • Economics and Wellbeing
  • Environment and Wellbeing
  • Mindfulness and Wellbeing