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About the Journal
Recently more and more countries are joining the competition in talent, especially the talent of science and technology. As almost all the emerging countries are interested in the establishment and development of domestic STEM education system in order to train high-tech talents, STEM education has become a key education field all over the world. However, there is a lack of peer-reviewed journals focusing on international STEM education for scholars to exchange researches, share experiences and promote STEM education development.
Aims and scope
STEM Education Review is a multidisciplinary journal in subject-content education that focuses on the study of teaching and learning in STEM education which involves contributions of different perspectives that view STEM education either as traditionally defined, subject-based education in S(science). T(technology). E(engineering). M(mathematics). separately, or as an educational undertaking in inter-connected STEM fields. As a peer-reviewed journal, STEMER is positioned to stimulate research and encourage academic exchange in order to promote the development of STEM education around the world.
With the goal to become an international leading journal of STEM education in the future, STEMER seeks to provide an open innovative international forum for peer-reviewed empirically, historically and theoretically based articles and scholarly reviews and essays on experiences and achievements in management, practice, scientific research, education and training in the field of STEM education.
Contributions will be encouraged from scholars within and across subject content fields (e.g., science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and social science fields (e.g., education, psychology, and sociology) to promote scholarly exchange and discussion on emerging issues and frontier research in STEM education including elementary education, post-secondary education, under-graduate education and graduate education. STEMER welcomes papers in forms of Editorials, Reviews, Original Articles, Perspectives, Opinions and Commentaries, Recommendations and Consensus from scholars across a range of career stages.
Target audience
The target audience are teachers, students, researchers, administrators, officials, regulators and policy makers from academia, government offices, societies of STEM education and funding agencies and all others who are interested in or ready to devote themselves in STEM education.
STEM invites manuscripts on the topic of STEM education in the following categories, including but not limited to:
- STEM higher education theory
- STEM talent training
- STEM education policy
- History of STEM education
- STEM international comparison
- STEM education management
- K-12 STEM education
Abstracting and Indexing Information
The journal is registered and included by the following services or databases: J-Gate