Recruiting Editorial Board Members for CAI


We are currently recruiting Editorial Board Members for CAI (ISSN: 2225-6482). You can find out more about the existing Editorial Board Members by visiting the following link:

CAI is a publication of Scholar Media Publishing Co. Ltd (SMP), is an international, peer-reviewed, open access online journal with continuous publishing. The journal does not charge for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts and even for color reproduction of photographs. The journal focuses on the infection problems caused by the current aging population, the abuse of antibiotics, and the continuous generation and variation of new pathogenic microorganisms. It is committed to building a communication platform for infection related scientists, clinicians and experts in infection control and public health from three aspects: basic research, transformation research and clinical research. More information about the journal is available at the following link:

Application Eligibility:
• Candidates must have completed their doctorate/Ph.D. degree.
(considering exceptions for career interruptions, including medical and family leave);
• There must be evidence of significant research achievements in the design and applications of Community Acquired Infection;
• Candidates must be willing to dedicate their time to the development of the journal with passion and enthusiasm;
• Candidates must be researchers that are active and engaged in their community (e.g., experienced at presenting at academic conferences or involved in professional organizations).

The benefits of being an Editorial Board Member are as follows:
• The opportunity to publish one free paper per year in CAI, along with obtaining additional remuneration.
• A certificate in recognition of your position;
• Travel grants for conferences that you attend or organize.

The main responsibilities of Editorial Board Members are as follows:
• Occasional prescreening of new submissions related to their research interests;
• Setting up at least one Special Issue during their term on a topic related to their research interests (or supervising Special Issues related to their research field);
• Helping to attract suitable expert authors and invite young scholars to contribute to the journal;
• Providing input or feedback regarding journal policies;
• Helping to promote the journal among their peers or at conferences;
• Attending Board meetings to suggest journal development strategies;
• Reviewing manuscripts.

If you are interested in becoming an Editorial Board Member or have potential candidates to recommend, please fill in the application form here or contact the CAI Editorial Office( We look forward to working with you in the future!

CAI Editorial Office