Focus and Scope

  • Introduction

Minimally Invasive Medicine is an international clinical and basic forum for the exchange and dissemination of ideas, findings and techniques relevant to minimally invasive medicine.

  • Aim and Scope

Provide an international exchange platform for relevant doctors and scientists in the field of minimally invasive medicine. Publish the latest disciplinary progress and lead the academic research direction of minimally invasive medicine. Fill the gap of journals in the field of minimally invasive medicine in the world.

  • List of topics included in the scope of the journal

The topics of the journal include but are not limited to: minimally invasive surgery, endoscopic therapy, interventions in the fields including departments of Urology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Brain Surgery, Gastroenterology, Respiratory Medicine, Gynecology, Orthopedics, Otolaryngology, Pediatrics, as well as researches on new methods, new technologies and new theories of minimally invasive medicine.

  • Target audience

The target audience includes researchers, clinicians, students and all personnel epidemiology, clinical and basic science related to minimally invasive medicine.

  • Expected content, by article type, in the journal (e.g. reviews, research articles, case reports etc.)

Multiple article types are welcome including Original Articles, Reviews, Clinical guidelines, Case Reports, Short Communication, Perspective, Research Highlight, Commentary, Editorials, News and Views, Letter. In addition, MIM will launch special issues in rapid response to the latest scientific and clinical developments in minimally invasive medicine.