
Newly paper published!


Eye gaze tracking and pupillometry are emerging topics in telerobotic surgery as it is believed that they will enable novel gaze-based interaction paradigms and provide insights into the user’s cognitive load (CL).

Puentes et al. published the recently research on Pupillometry in telerobotic surgery: A comparative evaluation of algorithms for cognitive effort estimation.

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Current Contents

Vol. 2 (2024)
Published: 2024-02-01



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About Journal

Medical Robotics is dedicated to the dissemination of researches in the filed of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine and health care from the interdisciplinary perspective. Original research should focus on the theory and/or application of AI and computer science techniques on supporting clinical decision making and improving the performance of health care. The journal’s scope encompasses broaden aspects of AI in medicine, including but not limited to, natural language processing in medicine, knowledge-based and multi-agent systems, automated reasoning and inference in medicine, machine learning in healthcare, computational intelligence and models for medicine, data analytics and mining for medical decision, methodological and ethical issues of AI in health care, etc.

ISSN: 2790-1025 (Online, in progress)


Distribution : Open Access

Frequency: The journal is published in an Open Volume Mode.

Published by: Scholar Media Publishing